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Seafood Chennai Experienced in Delivering Fresh Fishes in Chennai

5 years ago | Written by Seafood Chennai

Seafood Chennai brings to you fresh quality fishes, crabs, prawns and chicken meats to door steps who craving non-veg varieties lovers in Chennai. We provide good and daily fresh fishes to customers. All meats are arranged according to the orders received. The products are cleaned, cuts and packed with care and needs. We proudly say that we offering the finest products for affordable prices (our price is cheap not the product). Delivery Chargers are applicable based on the order policy.

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90 Percent Of Fish We Use for Fishmeal Could Be Used To Feed Humans Instead

7 years ago | Written by

Most of us don’t spend a lot of time thinking about what the farmed seafood we eat might itself be eating. The answer is usually an opaque diet that includes some kind of fishmeal and fish oil. Fishmeal is usually made from ground-up, bony trash fish and forage fish — like anchovy, menhaden or herring — that nobody is clamoring for, anyways.

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Seafoods are Indeed Superfood! Help with Fatigue, High Blood Pressure, and Much More

8 years ago | Written by

Seafood top the list of superfoods, some of the most nutrient-dense seafood on the planet includes crab, mussels, seabass, sardines, herring, salmon, and coley. Fish and seafood in general is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins. As a result, having seafood on your plate can be a great way to reduce fatigue, decrease high blood pressure, improve bone health, and much more.

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Should you worry about mercury in seafood? What you need to know

8 years ago | Written by

Are you feeling conflicted about eating seafood? Do you embrace the idea of getting healthy omega-3 fats in your diet — but worry that they might come with an unhealthy dose of mercury? If so, you’re far from alone — that’s one reason that the average American is not eating the recommended amount of fish and seafood.

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Salmon from Norway comes to India with ‘desi’ twist

8 years ago | Written by THE INDIAN EXPRESS

Sea food lovers are in for good news as they can now relish salmon, native to tributaries of North Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, in Indianised versions like ‘Amritsari Tawa Salmon’ and ‘Bengali yogurt mustard Salmon’. India consumes around 9.2 million tons of seafood every year, half of which comes from the Indian Ocean and the rest from fresh water aquaculture.

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15 tips to mastering seafood

8 years ago | Written by Peter Kuruvita (

Peter Kuruvita is unleashing some delectable seafood dishes in his Coastal Kitchen. Here are his insider tips that'll help you tackle your seafood with ease.

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Mercury impact in seafood consumption

8 years ago | Written by Rush University Medical Center

The researchers found that the increase in mercury levels in seafood were not associated with increased brain neuropathologies. Rather, they found that seafood consumption was associated with less Alzheimer's disease neuropathology despite the increased mercury levels.

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Study finds that eating seafood once a week may slow memory loss

8 years ago | Written by Rush University Medical Center

Eating a meal of seafood or other foods containing omega-3 fatty acids at least once a week may protect against age-related memory loss and thinking problems in older people, according to a team of researchers at Rush University Medical Center and Wageningen University in the Netherlands.

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Seafood Kebabs

8 years ago | Written by

Seafood Kebabs - Main Dishes, Appetizers, Under 400 Calories

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Five common seafood myths you can toss

8 years ago | Written by Dr. Tania B. Babar for Charleston Gazette-Mail

There are a lot of misinformation and myths floating around about seafood. I want to shed some light on five common myths, set the record straight and correct a few misconceptions – so you, your family and friends can confidently enjoy the many health and nutritional benefits of a seafood-rich diet.

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